How does midline crossing evolve?: the building block of midline crossing skills
Midline crossing skills develop with an interdependence of 5 primary skills and have direct relationship with each of them. The 5 building blocks of midline crossing skills are:
Hand dominance describes a child’s natural inclination for favoring one hand over the other for skilled activities such as functional activities and academic tasks. For most children, hand preference begins to emerge between the ages of 2 to 4, and usually by the age of about 6, most children will develop a preferred hand. Developing a dominant hand is important to efficiently perform tasks involving midline crossing and bilateral integration skills, where one hand needs to act as a helper to the dominant hand.
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Midline crossing skills develop with an interdependence of 5 primary skills and have direct relationship with each of them. The 5 building blocks of midline crossing skills are:
Bilateral integration
Bilateral integration is the ability to use the right and left sides of the body together in a coordinated way. The movements of both sides of body together in activities is only possible by processing and integration of both hemispheres of the brain together at the same time. Therefore, good bilateral integration indicates that both sides of the brain are communicating effectively and sharing information. Bilateral integration is seen in gross, fine motor and functional skills.
The Three Types of Bilateral Movements
Core stability
is the musculature
that surrounds the lumbopelvic region, have
attachments with thoracolumbar fascia and spinal column and connect the upper and lower
The core musculature
comprises of:
•Anteriorly: abdominals
•Posteriorly: paraspinals and gluteals
pelvic floor muscles
hip abductors and rotators
Core muscle group maintains upright and erect posture. It can be exemplified as the trunk of a tree. As the trunk holds the tree to the ground, the core acts as the base of support for your entire body so that your
branches (arms and legs) can work efficiently. The core surround and support the spine and pelvis and connect your upper body and
lower body, effectively transferring forces from one to the other.
Planning and sequencing involves planning and executing a muscle action. It is also called praxis. It is a thee step process:
For example, for a task of picking up a pencil; the first step is to generate the idea or intercept the instruction of picking up the pencil. The second step is to process the command and program the steps to pick up the pencil, this includes sequences of muscle contraction and joint movements. The final step is execution which includes relaying of motor signals to respective muscles to contract and perform the task of picking up the pencil.
This processing requires integration of the brain and the senses (e.g. touch, movement, vision, hearing)
Praxia or planning and sequencing is important for all gross and fine motor activities and functional tasks expected for daily and school based activities of children. It helps them to perform daily activities with precision and assists in learning new tasks.
Planning and sequencing of movements
Planning and sequencing involves planning and executing a muscle action. It is also called praxis. It is a thee step process:
This processing requires integration of the brain and the senses (e.g. touch, movement, vision, hearing)
Praxia or planning and sequencing is important for all gross and fine motor activities and functional tasks expected for daily and school based activities of children. It helps them to perform daily activities with precision and assists in learning new tasks.
Planning and sequencing is an acquired skill developing from components of neuromotor skills. the is a sum total of characteristic features of musculoskeletal and neurological systems.
Body awareness
Body awareness is the internal body “map” which gives internal understanding of where the body is in space.
Integrated processing of repeated sensory inputs and movement components helps in creation of body map over a period of time.
Therefore, the body map or skills of body awareness is dependent on sensory inputs, primarily proprioceptive inputs from the joints, muscles, and connective tissue. Body awareness is highly influenced by proprioceptive processing, the sensory information one receives from the movement and force of muscles and joint groups.
Proprioception is the internal sense that tells you where your body parts are without your having to look at them. Proprioception, the awareness of deep pressure and the position and movement of limbs, is mediated through receptors in muscles, tendons, and joints. Proprioception encompasses three aspects, known as the ‘ABC of proprioception’. These are: agility, balance and coordination.
Integrated processing of repeated sensory inputs and movement components helps in creation of body map over a period of time.
Therefore, the body map or skills of body awareness is dependent on sensory inputs, primarily proprioceptive inputs from the joints, muscles, and connective tissue. Body awareness is highly influenced by proprioceptive processing, the sensory information one receives from the movement and force of muscles and joint groups.
Proprioception is the internal sense that tells you where your body parts are without your having to look at them. Proprioception, the awareness of deep pressure and the position and movement of limbs, is mediated through receptors in muscles, tendons, and joints. Proprioception encompasses three aspects, known as the ‘ABC of proprioception’. These are: agility, balance and coordination.
Hand Dominance
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